What can focus X2 do for you? Check out Focus's ability to capture, analyze and review team performance by downloading a demo version, complete with an example sports project.

How does Focus X2 match your sport and your individual coaching style? Try the full Focus X2 with your team for fifteen days for free simply by registering with us.

Want to keep using Focus X2?
You will find that Focus is very reasonably priced and is sold through a network of local specialists.
Capture key events of play.

Focus on capturing information…

Designing Categories

Through the simple category design tool you can quickly create a category set that will allow you to record information on any aspect of performance. You can include as many categories and category options as necessary.

Capturing Video

The software allows direct capture of digital or analogue (standard VHS) video. You have the choice of downloading the footage 'live' or at a more convenient time after the game.

Entering Game Data

The software allows you to quickly and efficiently enter information on performance either real-time (during the play itself) or when you have more time after the game.

Download Focus X2
your team performance in detail.
key events of play.
and analyze performance.
Present performance highlights.